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Issue 1, 2012

Table of Contents

20 Flyover Country

24 The Storyteller

30 Transition Game

2 Lift the Chorus
Letters from readers

5 First Word
The editor's turn

6 On the Boulevard
KU & Alumni Association events

8 Jayhawk Walk
Rock mysteries, paper problems, plastic thrills and more

10 Hilltopics
News and notes: Ku leads movement to open research findings; Kish earns HOPE award.

16 Sports
Charlie Weis brings firepower to football; men and women hipsters start Big 12 with a bang.

36 Association News
Rock Chalk Ball to salute downtown Kansas City; Southwest Kansas Chapter gets ready to Tumble.

40 Class Notes
Profiles of Frampton's bass player, a guitar picker, a natural architect and more

56 In Memory
Deaths in the KU family

60 Rock Chalk Review
Spencer unveils stunning geisha in glass; sociology professor advocates immigration solution.

68 Glorious to View
Scene on campus