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Issue 4, 2001

Table of Contents

20 $42 Million!

24 Hail Fellow

28 Castle on the Hill

32 Vintage King

3 First Word
The editor's turn

4 Lift the Chorus
Letters from readers

6 On the Boulevard
Schedules of KU events and scenes from Commencement

8 Jayhawk Walk
A modest proposal, an odd rock, a galloping Jayhawk and more

10 Hilltopics
News and notes: Meet KU's new image maker

14 Sports
Softball's surprising season, football forecast and Ralph Miller remembered

18 Oread Reader
Thomas Fox Averill dishes up an appetizing first novel

19 Oread Writer
Is civility overrated in politics? Burdett Loomis thinks so.

36 Association News
Board of Directors election results and more

40 Class Notes
Profiles of Hizzoner, an honorary admiral, an honored doc and more

54 In Memory
Deaths in the KU family

56 Hail to Old KU
Weather Jay flies the coop